Giornate di studi dottorali franco-italiane


Giornate di studi dottorali franco-italiane

Fiftieth Indipendence Anniversary, Foundation for Contempory Art (Ghana) In esposizione alla Mostra AfriCam presso il Casoria Co

Thinking the “Unthinkable”

Contestations and Mobilizations in the Africas

19 - 20 September 2011

Conservatorio delle Orfane, Terra Murata, Procida


Monday, September 19


Opening Session: Alessandro Triulzi (L’Orientale)


Session 1: Historicity of Contestations
Chairs-Discussants: Johanna Simeant (Paris 1), Cristina Ercolessi (L’Orientale)

ALFIERI Valeria (Paris 1-L’Orientale)
From " Revolution" to "Liberation" : the emergence of ethnic political mobilization in Burundi

CASENTINI Giulia (Siena)
Violence, protest and construction of political belonging in Northern Ghana

CONNAN Dominique (Paris 1)
Symbolic import-export and the collective action of economic elites. Elite associations in Kenya since 1990

SCIMONELLI Fabrizio (L’Orientale)
Tradition leadership and transition. KwaZulu-Natal and Lybia

13.00 Lunch


Session 2: Actors and Spaces of Contestations

Chairs-discussants: Richard Banegas (Paris1), Simona Taliani (Torino)

BAILLOT Helene (Paris 1)
Examining the division of labor within a transnational network: The Case of the Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt (CADTM) in Africa

BARONE Stefano (Siena)
Metalheads and the Revolution in Tunisia: youth culture, politics and the magical recovery of communitas

FOUQUET Thomas (EHESS, Paris)
An Art of Subaltern Citizenship in Dakar: implicit contestation within the “ladies-of-the-night”

ROSSI Alice (Milano-Bicocca)
Forms of protest in Tangier (Morocco): ruptures and continuities between generation

Tuesday, September 20


Session 3: Forms and modalities of Contestations

Chairs-disscussants: Roberto Beneduce (Torino)/Dino Cutolo (Siena)

BORILLO Sara (L’Orientale)
"The 20th February" Movement and the constitutional reform in Morocco: a democratic compromise? A gender based lecture

FORNASETTI Pietro (Siena)
Leave for the adventure. Transaharan route between Boulgou (Burkina Faso) and Italy

CHAOUANE Emma (Paris 1)
The multiplexing of mobilizations toward the weaving of a new associative pattern in Mali with and around expelled Malian

GASPARETTI Fedora (Torino)
"Thank you Facebook"! Different protests and female participation during Tunisian revolution



Closing Session

Johanna Simeant (Paris1), Cristina Ercolessi (L’Orientale)

13.30 Lunch


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