Cross-Cultural Exchange: Globalizing American Studies
Cross-Cultural Exchange:
Globalizing American Studies
April 6, 2011
Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”
Sala Bianca, Palazzo Du Mesnil, via Chiatamone 61
Welcome addresses
Anthony J. Antonucci (University of Connecticut)
“Americans and the Mezzogiorno; United States Relations
with the Regno delle Due Sicilie from Thomas Jefferson
to Herman Melville, 1783-1861”
Kate Baldwin (Northwestern University)
“Cold War Hot Kitchen”
Debra Bernardi (Carroll College)
“'The Great Witch’: Representations of Italy and
American Female Desire, 1846-2010”
Coffee Break
John Charles (North Carolina State University)
“Talking Like White Folks: Frank Yerby and the Postwar
African American White-Life Novel”
Sonia Di Loreto (Università di Torino)
“Epistolary Exchanges in a Transnational Context:
Margaret Fuller and Her Correspondents”
Brian Edwards (Northwestern University)
“After the American Century: Fragments of American Culture
in Middle Eastern Circulation”
Respondent: Giorgio Mariani
(Università di Roma “Sapienza”)
Coordinator: Donatella Izzo
(Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”)
A representative of the U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission, Dr. Federica di Martino, will be available throughout the colloquium to provide information about the grants, scholarships, and other opportunities offered to Italian students wishing to study or conduct research in the United States.
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Non farti cadere le braccia - Edoardo Bennato